What is the level of happiness and engagement among your employees? If you don’t know — or don’t know much — it’s definitely time to think about whether employee engagement polls make logical sense for your company.

And what better approach to measure your employees’ mental health than to ask them openly and discretely? It’s as easy as that: if you don’t assess employee engagement, you won’t be able to enhance it.

And any manager should prioritize cultivating an environment of employee engagement. After all, involved employees become more productive, happier, and far less likely to be looking for a new job than their disengaged peers. Still not convinced about the benefits of employee engagement?

Employee Attitudes Can Be Easily Determined

When you poll your complete team, you can rapidly determine how your workers feel about the company in general, including which aspects they enjoy and which aspects they despise.

For instance, your survey may suggest that your entire workforce appreciates the fact that you provide them with a prepared lunch every Thursday afternoon. It could also suggest that your employees despise the fact that they are unable to work from home.

Based on the comments, you might opt to buy meals more frequently than once a week, as well as allow group members to operate from home at least a handful of times per month. Improving staff morale is a quick win.

To build trust, give employees a voice

It’s one thing to say you care for your employees’ well-being; it’s another to merely give lip service to their suffering. It’s another thing entirely to aggressively seek out their opinions and make adjustments in response.

When you perform regular satisfaction surveys and worry about the results, you give your workers a voice. As a result, your staff feel relieved to know that you are concerned about their worries and ideas. Loyalty is earned and cultivated over time.

Employees that have faith in you are more inclined to follow you since they believe in what you’re doing.

Avoid wasting time, collect data

It’s pointless to try to evaluate employee engagement on a case-by-case situation by bringing members of the team into your desk one at a time.

You can speed up the procedure of getting feedback by utilizing the most up-to-date tools for employee engagement and sending out surveys to your crew at the same time. As a result, time is saved because survey data is obtained all at once.

And we all know how valuable time is.

Observe Data Over Time

Let’s imagine your first worker satisfaction survey reveals that your employees believe they are overburdened, that there is no companionship at work, or that their supervisors are unhelpful. Though you may be inclined to abandon the notion of conducting a follow-up survey in the wake of the negative response you received the first time, you’d be prudent to persevere.

Top managers devise immediate action plans to address any issues that arise. They can then use follow-up questionnaires to track their progress (or lack thereof).

Hopefully, the evidence indicates that they’re on the correct track. If not, it’s necessary to branch out and try something new.

