The world of education has seen many changes in the last few decades thanks to the increasing use of technology and resources available. Not only has it become a competitive field with the advent of the many academic establishments across the country. But the standards and expectations keep getting higher and higher every day. The school administration is responsible for the smooth running of all matters educational and otherwise. One of these matters happen to be the maintenance of the physical infrastructure and resources made available to students and staff.

Growing Pains

When a school starts growing in popularity, it also grows in size. Although it is welcomed by educators, the administration might take it as a bittersweet development. They are now faced with the need to provide more classrooms and larger facilities for this growing population. Decisions have to be made: either a change of location to larger premises or constructing and expanding the current building. Both require investment and careful planning.

To Build or Not To Build, That Is the Question

Granted the administration decides to renovate, they still have more problems to solve. The most pressing is how to proceed with construction while students are in the premises? This poses as another problem. Some schools decide to relocate temporarily until all construction is over. While others may decide against building at all, but just finding a bigger school altogether. As the need for additional classes grows with every academic year, a comprehensive solution and a good future development plan is what is needed here.

Eureka, I Found The Answer!

The answer is provided by modern technology and advancements in the world of engineering and construction. Portable and modular buildings are becoming extremely popular globally and the answer to all these problems. As is evident from the increasing use of portable classrooms across Melbourne, this is one solution that solves many problems.


Need for Speed

Portable classrooms can be constructed within the time given as vacation between semesters. This is not possible with conventional building construction. The reason is that portable buildings are actually installed from prefabricated parts. These parts are already manufactured at their plants and only have to be installed according to the designs selected by the consumer. So even large buildings can be completed in a short time period. This is one of the rewarding benefits of selecting portable buildings.


As a school progresses through its growing stages, many changes have to be made to all areas. For example, a young school may just be opening its library now. But with further growth, it will inevitably have to expand again as Junior and senior libraries. The same goes for many other departments and resources. To disassemble and reassemble the school infrastructure is only a waste of time, energy and good funds. Portable buildings provide the solution of flexibility where the structure can be easily changed with minimum hassle, depending on the need.

Value for Money

All the speculations above only point to one solution. That portable classrooms provide the absolute answer to any school’s infrastructural needs. With the flexibility of changing designs to suit the current needs, what could be more valuable than to invest in this portable panacea? It also comes with the additional benefit of being cost effective and cheaper than conventional building projects.

