The internet is quite an informative and easily accessible place in the present unlike in the past. Thus, it’s motivating for content creators to reach out to the general public.
If you happened to be one of them, there’s no doubt that you’re always wondering about how some interviews go viral, while some don’t. If you happened to be victimized by lack of success, it’s about time you check whether you’re making the mistakes that are mentioned in this reading. Let’s get right into it!
Improper selection of the platform
This goes without saying. Regardless of how amazing your content is, you can’t expect audio to trend on a video-only platform. Thus, be sure to choose the ideal platform to air your show to a suitable targeted crowd.
The production quality is below expectations
Have you ever wondered why some of the best movies with the best plots don’t make as they are expected? It’s because people aren’t enough given reasons to come and see them. Amongst these reasons, the production quality is always going to take a massive significance. Since the same exact theory applies to interviews, you might want to reevaluate your choices of the used cameras, microphones, editing, sound editing, the backdrop, and even the used chairs. The best way to do this is by comparing your choices with the choices made by trending interviews.
You invited a terrible interviewee
Here’s the thing about interviews that you must swallow up; within the first 30 seconds after your interviewee starts to speak up, people are going to choose whether or not they should be bothered to watch the entire video. After all, if it was just a knowledge dump, you could have used a different way to convey it. This is why your choice of the interviewee should be a good speaker at heart. On top of that, the sheer charisma brought to the frame is also going to make a significant impact. For example, if your interview is about being successful, your interviewee should be someone who can teach by his or her experience now that they’ve gotten when they wanted to be. If not, it’s just going to be theory.
Considering all these factors, Jeremy Fleming success is quite extraordinary. This is due to the number of aspects he has covered so amazingly amidst a global pandemic. These characteristics of his journey have been used by several interviews, and people still haven’t had enough. After all, wouldn’t you want to hear what a man who started two of the biggest companies in Australia has to say?
Lack of preparation and content from your end
A well-prepared interview can be felt; people feel whether or not you’re ready to handle the interviewee. But that readiness isn’t merely getting over the stage fright of some sort but being prepared with what you’re going to ask and how you’re going to present it. Sometimes, inviting experienced and outgoing interviewees can be quite a blessing to manufacture the best line of questions that would have the biggest impact.
Tags: KS